Kamis, 27 November 2008

Good Bye

Hiks hiks.. hari ni sebel, kesel, gondok banget de…hape aku ilang..jadi critanya gini…kmren tuh kan kita baru pindah kamar baru, kali ini kita di gunung jadi ga ada signal buat hp atopun telpon hotel, smuanya ga ada. Tapi untungnya ada internet access.. nah tas Sandra yang isinya hp ama laptop, ku tinggal di reception hotel. Krn wireless access nya cuman ada di reception hotel.. anyway ..setelah aktifitas seharian Sandra ambil donk tas nya ..lalu di taro di kamar.. nah trus Sandra tinggal lagi buat pegi dinner. .ternyata waktu balik dari dinner, eh hp nya ga ada..trus panic, tp ga bisa ngapa2in ampe besok paginya..soalnya telpon hotel ga jalan..trus we were like in the middle of nowhere and ga mungkin utk jalan kuar sendiri coz there could be anything outthere..
So yeah I had to wait till the morning to actually report the lost. Than tat morning, something weird happened!! Me and Miss India were off to breakfast in the morning, but becoz she had left something back in the room, she went to get it. When she reached the room, she saw our things were moved around. Her body butter was scoped out with a finger, and our soaps- her facial soap and my shower gel were opened and filled / replaced with water. Than we realize that whoever came to our room could have been the one who took my mobile phone too! We’ve reported what happened, but I don’t think I would be able to get my phone back… well it’s a lesson to learn, we must be really2 carefull with our stuff and always lock your belongings when u are travelling....Bless the person who took my phone aja de.maybe he / she needed it more than me...Good bye my phone.

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Dear Sandra ,

Senengnya denger kabarnya lagih ,,

Ttg ilang barang .. direlain ajah yah ,, but mungkin ada temen yang mo jail juga ma Sandra di sana,, yah pokonya dibawa doa ajah biar kaga ada yg bisa ngerjain yah.

Kita di sini seneng banget liat bbrp pic yg ada di website lain .. bener2 menonjol diantara miss yang laen heheh.

Btw, kalo ntar ada dipoto lagi jgn lupa yah kacamatanya dilepas heheh biar kita bisa tau kalo itu Sandra heheh

Always Smile and PD yah .. and Happy juga !

OJ - salam dr para pendukung Bandung !