Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

See Yaa JoBurg

well, as u all know the Miss World Competition has ended and I am now back in Indonesia. Cant believe I was there for a month. Time really really flies! by no time I am now back home...^_^

Erm buat yang engga ngikuti acara final nya..
yang menang Miss Russia, she is the Miss World 2008. ORangnya cantik banget, kaya barbie deh beneran. Tinggi banget, kurus, tanned skin, blond pula; a complete package. hahaha

Nah skrg Sandra is back in Jakarta. Home sweet home. ^___^
ternyata effect 1 bulan di sana mayan juga loh.. sandra kmren ini semniggu jetlag (alias waktu tidurnya berantakan)!!!
jadi tidurnya tuh bisa jam 5.30 pagi..
gara2 kan bedanya 5 jam lebih awal..nah kalo jam 5 pagi nya Indo berarti jam 1 pagi nya Joburg. Nah jam segituan sandra baru tidur..
tp untung skrg udah mendingnan ...
my body has to get use to it first..

Erm ...
from this blog..
I want to express my heart. I want to say THANK YOu very much from the bottom of my heart! THanks for all the support, thanks for the prayers, thanks for the votes, thanks for the encouragement, overall thanks for everything! I really appropriate it so much. I would not be able to make it this far without all of your supports!!!
so once again, THANK YOU!

hihihhi, udah lega rasanya bisa bilang thank u! hihihihi

Nah skrg Sandra sudah di Indonesia; Sandra tentunya ngelanjutin kerjaan Sandra sebagai Miss Indonesia 2008. Well I hope I can be a good impact in every aspect of my life.


Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

early Judging

Holaaaa,how are you all? well sandra lagi nervous nih skrg..heheh..soalnya tar lagi ada early judging...sktg udah jam 12 siang..tp tadi kita di kasih taunya..jam 11 udah ready..eh ternyata molor..
well ..kl nunggu tanpa tujuan si ga masala yah...tp ini skrg menunggu utk masuk ke penilaian..hwakkwakwkakwka...jadi a lil nervous..

jadi nanti nih yah ..
kita di panggil ke ruangan ...per 3 orang trus nanti jurinya ada kurang lebi 10 orang( well itu masi katanya)jd masi ga tao bener ato ga infonya...

trus nanti kita di tanyain tentang apa jg ga tao...jadi ..go with the flow aja de...
Sandra cuman berdoa minta HIkmat Tuhan ..biar jawabannya bagus dan bermutu...

trus2 hari ini I choose to wear kebaya modern..supaya Indonesia nya keliatan gt...
Nah namanya kebaya kan muSti nyanggul rambut kan yah ...nah Sandra nih masi tahap belajar untuk nyanggul ..jd lucu de..waktu td nyanggul pokoknya seluruh rambut di kepala sandra sasaaaakk abiesss!!! ampe kaya singa gt! hahahah..trus..hairspary nya super banyaaakk..trus ..jepit sini jepit sana deee..
jadilah konde ku ..

gtg now..interview nowww

Senin, 08 Desember 2008

Talent Show Night

KMaren mlm, Sandra was performing at the Final Talent Show. In total there were around 18 girls who performed. We had dancers,singers and girls who play the instruments. Each and everyone of us were very good and unique! I bet the judges had difficulties in deciding the winner.

Buat tariannya ada yang nari contemporer funk dance, ada yang ballet dan juga robotic dance. Keren deh nari nya terpatah2 gt! And they were all really good. Trus2 yang maen musik juga bervariasi, ada yang maen French horn, flute ato seruling dan piano. Yang keren si Malaysia; she composed a song than she play the piano and sing and performed face mask magic at the same time. It was very entertaining. Than we have the singers, they picked only 4 girls to sing and I was one of the lucky girls. Heheheh
Terus di sela-sela Talents performances, we had dance montages. The montages are compilations of the traditional dancers. So for example after 4 talent girls performed, we had a group montage of 4 dancers with 30 seconds performances each.
Jujur waktu gladi bersih latian sebelon final Sandra rada grogi…soalnya lagunya ternyata terlalu rendah. Well salah Sandra sendiri si, soalnya aq kasi minus one nya salah. Aku kasih nya yg kerendahan.wkakakaka..dan krn udah last minute, mereka ga bisa ganti.
Ya udah deh akhirnya waktu finalnya pun Sandra bernyanyi dengan segala kemampuan dan kekuataaan..hahahhaha…feedback nya dari temen2 ktnya nyanyi nya baguss bgt..mereka pada kaget gt ..ternyata i could sing pretty well.hehehe..so I m happy. Well pokoknya Ive given my best. So no matter what the result is. I am happy..
So yeah ..
Akhirnya di umumin deh tiga besar.. Juara ke tiga di raih oleh Ukraine! She did the funk dance. Her dance was ok, but the choreography was really good. The music and the movement was truly a blend! Then the 2nd place went to Austriaaa, she was the one who did the ‘hula hoop’ performance, the circus member. She was entertaining. And the winner 1st place went to …..
Barbados, she sang a Broadway song! Man, let me tell u; her voice was just amazing! she sounded like an angel! Her her performance was a lot of fun, entertaining, exhilarating! She was just awesome!

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

ChaRity Dinner

Helloww yelloww melloow..sorry nih update blog nya rada lemot..soalnya I've been having a super busy schedule lately. Especially due to the talent show thing, it took a lot of my time for the rehearsals...

Anyway, let me update u with what i did 2 nights ago.
Starting in the morning at around 10 am till 4pm, the girls who are in the final for the talent show had rehearsals. It was a loong rehearsal, lotsa waiting coz there were a lot of girls. Especially who are doing the montage dances (traditional dances).

than my day didn't stop there, at 6.15pm we had to be ready for Charity Dinner; its a dinner where we do the auctions. All the 112 have brought gifts to be auctioned at this dinner. Than the money is going to be donated to help the less fortunate people/foundation. Luckily not all 112 gifts were auctioned from the stage, coz otherwise we wouldnt be finished till dawn!!!

This dinner had a LOT of speeches and what made it worse was the food didnt come out till quite late. erm actually until very late. The main course was served at around 10.30pm. Man, I was soo hungry and exhausted. But we got through it well! ^_^

Oh ya, during the dinner they also announced the finalist for 'Beauty With Purpose Fastracks' and of course INDONESIA is in it!!!!
Indonesia is in the top 10 finalist for Beauty with a Purpose fast tracks. However they haven't announced the winner yet. It'll probably be announced on the final night. Finger cross! hopefully Indonesia can make it ok!

And for your info, if u wanna see the update on Tv; a reporter from GSpot RCTI has just arrived here yesterday. So he'll be updating my activities and upload it at Gspot everyday!


(info about Talent nIght will be updated Sooonnn)

Jumat, 05 Desember 2008

Miss World Talent

I told u that I got into the semifinals for the Miss World Talent right!!
So, last night after the sport day thingy, we had another audition for the final show.
and guess what??!!!

I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!

I am in the finalist for Miss World Talent Show!
at first Im thinking that there would be no way I could make it, coz lawan2 nya org2 item2 yang suaraaanyaa gilaa gilaaa kerennyaa!!!
tp memang tiada yang mustahil bagi Tuhan!

if He's with us nothing is impossible!!!
hwuuhauhwuahwuahuhwuahw im soo happy!

doain supaya bisa menang in yah!

mwach XOXO

miSS woRld Sports Woman

Hari ni Sandra bangun pagi lagi...jam 5 pagi, trus cabs ke lokasi jam 6 utk acara Miss World Sports day! ini merupakan salah satu dari fastracks nya...jadi kl menang bisa langsung masuk finalist!

We were given a team t-shirt and since we are the blue team, so the shirt was blue colour. OUr name was "JobuRg Leopard"! than to make it more fun; leopard are dotted right! soo we dotted our body hahahahha..
we used eye liner to make dotts all over our face and arms! it was soo much fuN!

Our first task was to make a boat out of cardboard and used it for canoeing (kapal2an).Than we had competition between the teams. Oh ya i forgot to tell u, there were four teams; rhino, leopard, buffalo and lions.
so yeah we used the cardboard boat and put 2 people in it and they started to row to go around the river and back. It was quite hard at first, coz u need good communication, skill and power to make the boat MOvE! however overall our team came 2. Good enugh!^_^

Than each of us had to do a set of activities and the results are going to be added as the team mark. First we did the push up. There were 28 girls in our team; so in 30 seconds we had to do as many push up as possible. I managed to do 28 push ups. than we went on to do sit ups, this time we were given 1 minute and i did 48! hahaha
cricket was next and last but not least a 60m sprint run! All of us tried and give our best. However today wasnt our lucky day, our team didnt win the team competition. The Rhinos won it.
Butttt for the individual mark, it was scored by a member in our team! Miss Iceland!
she was really good! So as the result, she's in the top 15 finalist!
I am happy for her!

However, in every competition there would always be people who will be disappointed. So yeah, some of the girls broke down coz they didnt win this competition.
but I tried to calm them down by saying, that we are already a winner to be able to participate in this competition and we are here to learn and add our experiences in life. Its a blessing that we can be here. And honestly time flies! so make the most of every minute and every second, every events in your life coz time will never turn back...

Life is a journey. Be thankful for anything that God has given us, even though sometime life can be tough, lets be tougher, coz God will not tempt us harder than our strength.

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Top Model FaShion Show

Bneran loh, kmren mayan heboh jadwalnya..

Kita udah ready and pretty by 8am trus ada photo shoot di Mandela Square (setipe mall centrenya yg terkenal gt de). Trus ada branch (breakfast semi lunch) than we had an hour drive to the location at Soweto.

Nyampe2 jam 2an, trus mulae de do e hair and make up trus Latian coreo bentar.. trus waiting till 8.30pm till the show start. Bayangin tuh stand-by nya dr jam 2 ampe jam 8.30 mlm.. nikmatt..hehehe...
Btw tiap kali kita musti do our touch up for hair and makeup cewe2 ini jadi mayan ganas loh.huhuhu..well krn make up artist nya ga banyak2 banget jadi kan musti antri. Nah nama nya juga competition, jadi of course everyone wants to look at their best performance. Jadi antriinya panjaaangg, trs kl da ktauan yg jago make up yg mana..trus timbul lah trombol2 an..heheheh but I've learnt my lesson from the Swinwear FashionShow; Just do ur own hair and make up because you cant really rely on other people.

We were wearing dresses by African designer. My designer name was 'Story', I am not quite sure whether its a brand or a name of the person; but the dress was quite nice. I like the colour, it was lime green and we had a super COOL bangle. loved it loved it loved it. ^_^ a big yellow full beaded bangle. very berry niceee...i wish it could be a gift for us..hahaha..

Anyway, for this competition out of 112 contestants they were suppose to choose 28 but it increased to 34 girls. From 34 to 10 than 3 and ONE.
The walk was soo much fun! the mixture of music, lighting and crowds were just exhilarating.

Nah, pingin tao kan yg menang yg mana..well
3rd place went for miss India (my room mate!)
2nd place ...Miss Angola
1st place ... Miss Russia

so that's the result!

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

miss Top Model

It feels good to be back in Joburg, somehow it feels like home back here. Hehehe maybe its coz most of our stuff is here that’s why we feel kindda attached to this place.
However I still can’t believe it, that we only have around 10 days left. And there are still lotsa things to do. From the fast tracks, we still have to do Miss Top Model, Miss Sport, Miss Beauty with Purpose and Miss Talent. Moreover we still have to practice for the choreography (stage performance) on the final day. Man I think these few days will be very hectic.
Well it’s kindda started already. This morning we had our choreography practice for the final day than we were rushed off to Soweto (an hour drive) to practice for tomorrow’s show; Miss Top Model. We came back for dinner than we had audition for Miss Talent. I am having a quite busy day today. Huhaaaa..anyway..tadi sempet deg deg an lg waktu audition for Miss Talent. Kmren dl Sandra sempet crita kl aq udah audition kan, well tp skrg mrk mo denger lagi. Jadi smuaaanyaa audition lagi. Apparently they only picked very few girls to perform on the Talent night. I was lucky that I got in to the semifinals, so they are gonna test me again before I can actually perform on the final night. However tonight wasn’t a really good night for some of the girls, quite a few of them did not make it to the semifinals, but I am telling you, they were good!! Some of them had a full costume from head to toe, but they did not make it…I really hope that I could get through!
Btw besok ada Miss Top Model competition nih!! Its gonna be a lot of fun..tp beneran besok jadwalnya jg mayan gila.huhuhuh
>jam 8.15 pagi kita harus udah ready buat photoshoot trus jam 12 an lunch bentar truss langsung ke tempat shownya, which means dr jam 1 siang an kita bakal udah ada di sana..trussss tapi nya shownya baru mulae jam 8 malem..
Hahahahhahaha…lotsa waiting and preparation. ^____^
ya ukuk de isitirahat dulu ..bsok pagiii bowqqq..

Senin, 01 Desember 2008

my 04:00am day!

Remember I told U yesterday that I had to wake up at 4 am! It was real tough!! we were like ZoMbeee.+P

Imagine we woke up at 4:00am go on the plane at 06:30 am, arrived at 08:00am at a city called Mpumalanga (mirip kaya Mputantular gt ya namanya hehe) trus went on the bus for An Hour, till we reached a panoramic place called 'God's Window'. Walked up the mountain and than we were at the right spot to see an amazing scenery of valleys and mountains.(i'll upload photos later at facebook ok coz i dont knw how to upload here *P)
If U've been to Sydney there is a place called ' the Tree Sisters Rocks' yeah ..its similar to that. We were there for half an hour and we had our lunch there too (it was a packed lunch though, wasn't too good)+)

Anyway, we finally finished all of that and reached the hotel around at 03:00pm. We rested till 05:00pm than off we went to dinner. U might think wow, so early for dinner; but no it took an HOuR to reach the dinner place!
HOwever, dinner didnt start until 08:15 pm. THere were speeches...LoOOng speechess..ahahahhah
and at 09:00pm, we were off again to the airport to go back to Joburg!
11:00 pm there we were, back at Sandton Hotel JOburg. Man of us looked awful and we made jokes on how embarrassing it would be if there were paparazzi, we would be kicked by ur countries. hahaha

Than our beloved Mrs.Morley (e chairperson of Miss World) understood our pain. So today, we only started our schedule at 12 pm.
A beautiful sleep for us !